Saturday, October 29, 2005

Victor Davis Hanson: Sleepwalking Through the Revolution

You can see the list of dead soldiers as compiled by The New York Times here. Not one of us can escape the heavy heart brought on by our brave fallen soldiers and their ultimate sacrifice for our country. In our deliberations on President Bush's call for Democracy in the Middle East, we can all bow our heads, respecting our fallen children... no matter where we stand in our Great Debate...

Victor Davis Hanson has written a passionate and thoughtful piece outlining his belief that now is the time for President Bush to assert himself and refresh the perception of what is being accomplished by our military in this harsh region of the world:

"...We have been sleepwalking through the greatest revolutionary movement in the history of the Middle East, as the U.S. military is quietly empowering the once-despised Kurds and Shiites - and along with them women and the other formerly dispossessed of Iraq. In short, the U.S. Marine Corps has done more for global freedom and social justice in two years than has every U.N. peacekeeping mission since the inception of that now-corrupt organization..."

"...The odd thing is that so far the conventional advice to the president - keep the discussion on Iraq only to U.S. national security, not the upheaval of the existing corrupt order; reach out to the Democratic Senate; curb your idealistic rhetoric with Syria or Iran; ignore shrill enemies; nominate someone that the opposition will not seriously object to - has only emboldened critics here and abroad. It is time to go back on the offensive, both for the idealistic legacy of the Bush presidency and the immediate future of his ideas in the upcoming 2006 elections. The American people, both pro and con, are more than ready for a great debate to settle these issues one way or another."

Powerful, thoughtful and passionate. Read the whole thing.

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