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It's amazing how quickly Liberal Media circle the wagons and start eating their own to protect another fantasy idea... Bush/Hitler and company must survive as a political weapon or there's no there, there for the Dems...Now that Bob Woodward has been interviewed and his statement made public, there's more doubt about the Libby/Plame business than ever. If Libby wasn't the first Administration official to mention the Plame/Wilson connection and other current staffers have been eliminated by Woodward, then who is the unnamed former official Woodward was talking about?And if Libby isn't the one, then why is he the only one being indicted? And where is the comment from Fitzgerald regarding this revelation? What was the reason for the Plame exposure? Was it even intended as a political hit by the Administration?All is in doubt now.And should be...As I said before... "I have all the conjecture, I just don't have all the facts."Also, see here and here for more comments.
Pearl Swine has been busy... stop by for a serving of wit and wisdom...
Dear Good Citizens of Dover, PA:
God here. I thought I should reach out to you personally in light of Pat Robertson's remarks yesterday that in voting out of office those school board members who supported '"intelligence design", you had in essence "voted God out of your city" and that if disaster were to befall you in the future and you should turn to Me for help that I "might not be there."
I'm here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, Mr. Robertson doesn't speak for Me. I didn't die and appoint him Me. However, he is right about one thing. You, in fact, did vote me out of your city and to that point I have only one thing to say: I hear you.
Always to the point and funny...
Correcting the record as distorted by the Washington Post - A sample:
The Washington Post Implies That The Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) Was Superior To The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) Given To Congress. "But Bush does not share his most sensitive intelligence, such as the President's Daily Brief, with lawmakers. Also, the National Intelligence Estimate summarizing the intelligence community's views about the threat from Iraq was given to Congress just days before the vote to authorize the use of force in that country." (Dana Milbank And Walter Pincus, "Asterisks Dot White House's Iraq Argument," The Washington Post, 11/12/05)
But The PDB Was The Focus Of Intelligence Reform And Was More "Problematic" Than The NIE Given To Congress.
The Robb-Silberman Commission Found The PDB To Contain Similar Intelligence In "More Alarmist" And "Less Nuanced" Language. "As problematic as the October 2002 NIE was, it was not the Community's biggest analytic failure on Iraq. Even more misleading was the river of intelligence that flowed from the CIA to top policymakers over long periods of time--in the President's Daily Brief (PDB) and in its more widely distributed companion, the Senior Executive Intelligence Brief (SEIB). These daily reports were, if anything, more alarmist and less nuanced than the NIE." (Charles S. Robb And Laurence H. Silberman, The Commission On The Intelligence Capabilities Of The United States Regarding Weapons Of Mass Destruction, 3/31/05, Pg. 14)
The Robb-Silberman Commission Reported That The Intelligence In The PDB Was Not "Markedly Different" Than The Intelligence Given To Congress In The NIE. "It was not that the intelligence was markedly different. Rather, it was that the PDBs and SEIBs, with their attention-grabbing headlines and drumbeat of repetition, left an impression of many corroborating reports where in fact there were very few sources. And in other instances, intelligence suggesting the existence of weapons programs was conveyed to senior policymakers, but later information casting doubt upon the validity of that intelligence was not." (Charles S. Robb And Laurence H. Silberman, The Commission On The Intelligence Capabilities Of The United States Regarding Weapons Of Mass Destruction, 3/31/05, Pg. 14)
There's more at the link.